


  • Safety Measures

    We have been working hard with the Norfolk Showground to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to help our exhibitors and visitors maintain a safe and social distance within the show.

    Rule of 6

    It is against the law for people to gather in a group of more than six, whether indoors or outdoors, unless covered by an exemption. Groups of more than 6 are not permitted to meet up at the show.

    Indoor Market Hall Space

    This year’s show will take place across the large festive shopping market halls offering great shopping opportunities and providing additional space for social distancing.  The number of visitors at any one time will be closely monitored and, if needs be, restricted in certain areas in order to comply with social distancing rules.

    In addition, the aisles within the halls will be wider to accommodate social distancing.

    Face coverings will be compulsory for event staff.  All exhibitors are recommended to bring their own, although this is not mandatory outside, face covering must be worn in all indoor spaces. Visitors to the show will also have to wear a face covering when inside the halls.

    Signposted hand sanitiser stations will be available at the event, the location for these stations will be clearly signposted.

    Clear signage will be used throughout the show.

    Outdoor Trade Space

    We are introducing even more outdoor trade stands, meaning that at times when certain areas may be restricted, there’s always plenty more shops to view.

    Site cleaning and personal protection

    The Aztec events team will be briefed and trained in our Covid-19 prevention procedure.

    A cleaning routine will be carried out daily throughout the show, including regular cleaning of the toilets.

    Signposted hand sanitiser stations will be available at the event, the location for these stations will be clearly signposted.

    Aztec staff will be provided with personal protective equipment for necessary tasks and this will be used in accordance with government guidelines.

    All exhibitors are strongly advised to bring hand sanitiser and use antibacterial wipes on stock when necessary.

    Online tickets & stand booking

    Exhibitors must book their stand in advance with our Sales Team by contacting us on 01702 549623

    Tickets can be pre-purchased via the ‘book ticket’ section on the show website. Tickets will be limited and only available in selected entry time slots.

    Health Checks

    Any visitor or accompanying persons that are showing any symptoms of Covid-19, must not attend the show.

    There will be a Track and Trace banner around the show with a web address and QR code if you wish to register for the NHS scheme. Your contact data will be held for 21 days after the event in line with General Data Protection Regulations.

    Prams and Buggies

    Prams and Buggies will not be permitted in the inside areas of the shopping market. This is due to the additional safety and social distancing measures in place this year. We apologise for any inconvenience caused but we thank you for your understanding. Buggies and prams will be welcome in all outside areas.